Supporting Toowoomba Together behind the scenes
Media & Marketing Sub-Committee

Organising events and engaging the community to prevent domestic & family violence (DFV)
Our Media and Marketing Sub-Committee is committed to raising awareness of domestic violence by helping Toowoomba Together organise events, educational material, and other resources.
By organising events and working with like-minded organisations in our community, the Media & Marketing Sub-Committee coordinates events like the Community Recognition Awards and our other community engagement initiatives.
Interested in joining our Media & Marketing Sub-Committee?

Recognising the amazing work from our community
Our Community Recognition Awards is a prestigious event that recognises and celebrates those in our community who have made extraordinary efforts to raise awareness, provide support or have worked hard to reduce DFV in our community.
The Community Recognition Awards acknowledges the tireless efforts the nominees make in preventing DFV in the spheres we work in.
Interested in joining our Media & Marketing Sub-Committee?