Uniting Toowoomba’s health specialists & providers against domestic & family violence (DFV)
Health Action Group

Addressing the health implications from DFV
Our Health Action Group is comprised of passionate members who are committed to making a difference by informing the community of the negative impact domestic violence (DV) has on physical and mental wellbeing.
This group works towards this goal by organising events, implementing new projects, and providing spaces for people who experience to talk about gaps they experience when accessing services.
The Health Action Group helps guide people who are experiencing violence or people using violence with the right service providers to help make positive changes in their relationships.
Find the right help for you

Links of Domestic Violence and Poor Health
Studies have shown domestic and family violence are linked to several negative health impacts such as:
Depressive & Anxiety Disorders
Alcohol & Substance Abuse Issues
Early Pregnancy Loss
Physical Injuries
Suicide & Self-Harm
Our Health Action Group works towards reducing the mental and physical health impacts DFV have on our community.