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Shining a light on domestic & family violence in the Toowoomba Region

About us

Inspiring and empowering the community since 2007

Having deep roots in the local community,  Toowoomba Together originated as the Toowoomba Says No to Violence (TSN2V) movement in 2007. 


Holding their inaugural summit in 2015, where the Toowoomba community  overwhelmingly endorsed TSN2V as the vehicle for driving social change in domestic and gender-based violence. 

Wanting to address the problem of domestic and family violence at a higher level, the group became an incorporated body in 2016, and Toowoomba Together was born.

Join our mission to stop domestic and family violence

We believe that all members of a personal relationship have equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities. Diversity of opinion, experience, and belief brings richness to all relationships.


We believe that mutual respect is the cornerstone of all safe respectful relationships. Mutual respect stems from healthy self-respect and dedication to constructive resolution of conflicts.


We believe that an informed community can collaborate to fully understand the impacts of gender-based violence and be motivated to support people who experience violence and people who use violence.


We believe that a commitment to diversity embraces the experiences and opinions of the whole community while encouraging participation from a broad range of people. 


Our Values


Standing up against domestic violence since 2006

Aiming to bring the Toowoomba community together as a vehicle for social change around domestic and gender-based violence we opened the doors to Toowoomba Says No to Violence (TSN2V) in 2006. 


TSN2V continued to advocate for safe relationships before taking the next step, becoming a registered charity, Toowoomba Together, taking our outcomes to a new level.  


As Toowoomba Together, we continued with our mission from 2006, working with multiple aspects of the community to stand up against domestic and family violence.

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